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Advice Line Responses by goodstuff1954 Add a Question

goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
why does it always happen - 3/7/2006

we try to answer all e-mails. which takes time but see no reason when we say no to meeting and playing or having sex that people get mad call you all kinds of names. shows you why we said no to sta

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
about web cams - 3/1/2006

why do a lot of people want you to get nude on the web cam? If you state you are not into getting nude to plaese them why can they not accept that?

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
how many would make a porn movie? - 12/9/2005

how many woman would star in a movie xxx? same for the men how many would star in a xxx movie?

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
why become a paying member? - 11/12/2005

there are reasons you become a paying member so i was wondering when you pay for something why does it take longere than it needs to go into affect? why when you pay to be one way member you stay a

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
does any one just comes for the fun of sex - 11/2/2005

why all the bull of around the horn why not start to the point. when it says couple why just the woman, it says couple?

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
whats a hippy? - 10/31/2005

true i grew up in that time frame but i never meet a hippy or even seen one. saw people drive around with flowers all over their car, van , or bus. was dumb enough to call them a flower but guess

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goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
don't people read ? - 10/22/2005

what I mean can all people read our profiles? some say say well I cann't get your profile to pop up to read. Yet it seems that if they e-mail me that their profile is always offered to me to review

0 response(s), 0 votes
goodstuff1954 65 C
7  questions
want to know - 10/20/2005

why some don't do as they say. like don't like a lot of e-mail yet thats all they do. others say want action yet they really don't.

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